Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Hi everyone!

I felt like I needed to write a quick post and address the fact that my g-mail account decided to dump a TON of emails that several of you had written me from June and July of this year, into my inbox this morning! GAH!!! What in the world?! SO, this is a huge apology for the fact that you've written me and not heard back from me, because I ABSOLUTELY love hearing from my readers and never, ever want you to feel like you're being swept under the rug. While I may not be able to reply immediately to an email, the max should be a few days, so just know if you've yet to hear back from me, it's because I'm now playing catch up with all the emails I have. I hope you all have a beautiful day overflowing with the love of Jesus and that your autumn is off to a splendiferous start!



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