Thursday, November 15, 2012

flaws and beauty and a great big God.

" I like flaws. I think they make things interesting." 
  -Sarah Dessen

I agree. I've learned with a vengeance that I, and everyone else that walks this breath-taking planet on which we reside are terribly, beautifully, wonderfully flawed. This is, however, no reason to not pour into them every single thing that I possess in me. Because, if I'm not willing to pour into those around me who are flawed, I don't deserve for my God to do the same with me...and oh, how He pours into me with each breath I breathe, with every beat of my heart, with each step I take down this path He's set before me. Pretty astounding thought! 

So, I just wanted to get that out there straight off. And I wanted to thank you for coming by and reading the random thoughts of this woman who is very small, but who loves a very big God! He thinks you're awesome, just in case you didn't know already:-) I hope you'll come by my little corner often and that when you do, that you'll be brought face to face with this God who's stolen my heart away. My prayer for you is that you will know with an even deeper understanding how much Jesus wants to transform your life despite the flaws, and how He longs to have a very personal relationship with you, because you fill a hole in His heart that can be filled by no one else. I also hope that, when you leave, you'll take with you the knowledge that every single moment you draw in breath is an amazing gift and that the smallest things in this life, if we take the time to notice them, are more beautiful than we could ever imagine!

Thank you:-) I appreciate you taking the time to read what I have to say more than you'll ever know. 

© Jade Valcarcel 2012. All rights reserved


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