Friday, August 22, 2014

reminded and found.

I found it on this hot, humid, almost unbearable August afternoon. I found it in the ordinary moments that drummed by, beating, beating, beating. Slipping past with micro pearls of water hanging thick in the air. I found it deep in the coffee steaming, in the laughter of those around me, in the clang and clatter of dishes being picked up and used. I found it in the whirring of fans, circulating air that hung hot and heavy, reminding me how this heat would condition me to itself if I stay in the South very long. I found it in the little local book shop, where a sign hung, hand written and unpretentious:

I found it here. I wanted to run, but there it was, reaching long arms out and around me. It came with the text that reminded me of another sent by the same sender months before. That text that had come when I needed it most, when the words seemed to jump off the screen and hold me close, reminding me that though it didn't feel like it in that moment, everything was going to be ok. I thought about that text, saved in my phone, somewhere amongst quotes and lists of things to do:

"Jade. He may be the best guy to ever draw breath. It doesn't mean, however, that God meant him to be with you. Other people cannot see what's going on in your heart and mind. Only you can and if it feels wrong, then don't force it."

I found it in a thin gold band, tucked away in a beautiful local art store. A delicate gold band that now resides on the middle finger of my left hand, just above the middle knuckle. One that I'd been keeping an eye out for months. The woman behind the counter smiles at me, gently saying:

"Oh…I made that. I just love those!"
"Yes, they're lovely," I murmured back.
"What's your name?"
"Well, that's a beautiful name. I won't forget that soon! Where are you from? Not here…"
"No…South Carolina, but Colorado just recently."
"Well, welcome to our town!" Smiling, she seems to search my face.
"Thank you. It's wonderful here."
"Yes, we think so," and then, "My dear, I hope you find whatever it is you're looking for." 

"Ah, thank you. You nailed it." I think to myself. I place the ring on the glass counter, paying and turning to wave as I walked out of the old door that's chipping white paint. 

It came knocking again, standing in line for coffee. I took the steaming mug from the smiling barista behind the counter, handing her my plastic light blue card, when suddenly the voice behind me said in a slow southern accent: 

"I'm ordering something too, and I'm going to get that for you. Someone did that for me last time I was in here, and it'd be my pleasure to pay it forward to you."
"Oh….. [trying to hold back the tears]….thank you." 
"Now," he said, "Could you recommend something to me that's iced?"

I smiled, pointing to something written in bright colors on hanging chalk boards above our heads.

I found it hidden through the doors of a little cabin, tucked away beside the lapping waters of a large lake. Where wooden stairs lead to a quaint little dock and private beach. I found it. I saw. I am seeing. 

Beauty. Purpose. Moments. These are what matter. 

Music drifts into my ears. Slowly. My mind wanders. I think about the people that unknowingly helped me to see today or who reminded me to think back, of moments when they touched me. Not in a way that is shallow or easily forgotten, but in ways that truly struck down deep in my soul something that resonates. And that resonating sound reminded me that people are beautiful…just as beautiful as sunsets across the water, if you allow them to be. 

These moments, small and forgettable, I collected them and I found it. For it is not about the place, but the people. Those that help you remember and find...



  1. oh, jade. your words make my soul come alive and leave me breathless every time i read them.
    this is so so beautiful.

    1. Marcia, thank you SO much for your sweet words! I truly appreciate this beautiful compliment:)

  2. this. this. this.

    also, this: Flashlight by Hunter Hayes
