Saturday, February 16, 2013


(written to this.)

Together, we ventured out into the cold evening, laughing and simply happy to be together. It had been several weeks since we'd seen each other and catching up, me talking animatedly, exaggerating on purpose just to get him to laugh, waving my hands back and forth while he cracked up at my silliness, coming right back at me with funny faces and voices, was all we cared about.

"Where should we eat?? Do you want mexican? Burgers? Seafood?"
"I don't know, you pick!"
"No! YOU pick!"
"Ok fine....let me think.....ummmm....I don't know, you just pick!"
"NO! You're the guy, it's your decision!"
"Gah! Fine! Burgers...."

And with a decision finally made we headed to Larkburger in all its yummminess, ordering burgers and truffle parmesan fries, sharing a coke, and talking about everything under the sun. Jesus, music, what we're doing in our Bible studies, people we love, all the news worth telling about all the stuff going on in our lives, and everything in between. Finally done with our burgers, we moved on to a cozy little tea house and planted ourselves there for a couple more hours, telling each other about all the songs we've been into lately, listening to more music than I can remember, watching random videos on youtube, drinking chocolate tea, and simply enjoying the evening.

Listening to him talk about the discipleship program he wants to go through, what he's thinking about doing with his life, seeing that he's happy even though he struggles, I'm blown away by this young man sitting before me. And thinking back on a little over a year ago, I can't believe this is the same kid...but, he's not. He is a living testament to the glory and faithfulness of a God who loves him and who will radically change a life that is given to Him. I think about the path he was traveling then, one that sloped down and would have lead to a hell even he can't imagine, and I am overwhelmed by the goodness, the love of my Father, who has rescued me as well, but who so visibly rescued my handsome little brother for His glory.

I think about all those who prayed so faithfully for him, who loved him through the tough road back up again, who saw more than a troubled kid, but who saw a young man whose life was destined to belong to the One who redeems all things.....those who prayed who knew only Charlie's name, never seeing how their prayers were swung against the enemy in such a miraculous ways. To those who prayed, who believed all things, I am thankful for each of you more than you can possibly imagine. For you were the army standing with the heavenly one unseen, fighting the war that was all around and about him, that would have snuffed out his life, but because of the fight you fought in the unseen, he lost the life he possessed in all its darkness to gain a life that he cannot lose as a child of God. Thank you.

Each time I talk to this handsome brother of mine, I am reminded of the faithfulness of the Lord. That He has so much more in store for us than we can imagine if we allow Him to have it all, to possess our entire life. And so, in those times when I can't see His will for me, when I doubt if things will ever shift and the path before me open up, I am gently reminded of the miracle wrought through Charlie's life. It is a daily testament to me of the love of the One who holds my heart, that He wants nothing more than to work all things for our good, that I do not have to know the path my feet are walking, I only need cling to His hand, gaze into His eyes, and trust in His perfect will and love. The thought of this, it fills my heart to overflowing, it overwhelms my soul in such a way that I am stunned at the beauty of His heart for me...for us. He is irresistible, for His heart calls unto ours every moment of every day and it is here, in this moment, in this place when so many things are unknown to me, that I feel Him even more.

Charlie, you are a living example of what my Savior can do when a life is given unto Him. I am so proud of the man you are becoming, of the love you have for our Jesus, of the willingness you have to serve Him. You, my handsome, wonderful brother, you give me hope to know that He does indeed work all things to the glory of His name, no matter how hopeless they appear. I loved you before you were born and to know you now, a man who loves his God, only makes that love grow beyond all I ever thought possible. Little brother, you are one of my most favorite people, you are my heart, and I am so honored to know you not only as my brother, but as one of the dearest friends I have. Thank you for your given heart to our King. I love you more than words can express.

© Jade Valcarcel 2013. All rights reserved


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