Sunday, March 3, 2013


Many things have changed in the past year and a half. And so, when I started this blog a few months ago, I defaulted to making it look the way my first blog did from a few years, it was not the exact same, but similar. Sitting tucked away in this little valley, the air around me is overflowing with changes that are coming. I'm in that place where, I know just around the next corner everything will suddenly be different and life will be altered once again. It's like that, right? The only thing consistent is change...keeps things interesting, huh?

I've talked about being transparent before, but more than ever I'm feeling the need to be just that. To be who I am, wherever I am, with whomever I'm before at the time. So, seeing how this blog is simply an extension of me, I know it needs to change. Yes, I'm me in my writing, but the design and feel are less who I am now and more who I was then.

Please, dear reader, bear with me in the next few weeks. I may absolutely love a certain design one day and not be feeling it the next. Or, maybe what I have in this moment is exactly what I'll keep from here on out. I don't know. If you feel strongly about it, please let me know. If you absolutely detest something and would like to shoot me for having changed it, well, you're my reader and I value your opinion. So, feel free to leave me a comment on a post telling me just how you feel, or send me an email. For more than caring about having things exactly the way I want them, I do want to make this a place you can come and enjoy, escaping the world for a bit with a steaming mug of coffee or tea.

Also, I am going to desperately try and start using more of my own photography...which for now will consist strictly of iPhone pictures, seeing how I don't currently own the lovely Nikon I'd like ;-) That could be fun though, right?

Thank you so much for reading, thank you for stopping by my little corner and caring what I have to say. We serve a great and mighty God who is faithful to place in our lives exactly what we need when we need it. For me, it's you, because I know that what He lays on my heart is written to yours. Thank you for the beautiful comments, encouragement, and emails you've all sent. Truly, they mean more to me than you'll ever know. Keep gazing into His eyes! He's crazy about you :-)

© Jade Valcarcel 2013. All rights reserved


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