Monday, April 29, 2013


The link to the beautiful artwork below is here. Check out her stuff, it's amazing!

I'm moving. Into a beautiful little town home with one of my dearest friends. On the river. Right on the river to be exact. And I have a little deck off the back of my bedroom that sits on this beautiful laughing river. I can hardly believe it...that for now, this is the life He has given me. Surrounded by mountains on every side, living in this beautiful state, hidden away in a little where most people dream of living. I'm astounded. And life is wonderful and overflowing with beauty and terribly hard in many ways and I struggle a lot, but He has seen fit to surround me for my whole life with places that comfort and speak to my soul when things are hard...and for this I am more grateful than I'll ever be able to express.

If I have not lived on the ocean I have lived in the mountains. My whole life has been one continuous looking around at all that surrounds me and constantly being reminded of the hand of a God who created such a world, where I see...truly see...and wonder how I could possibly question who He is? Seeing all He has done to speak to my heart, I can't question who He is...I've questioned many times what He's allowed in my life, yet, even in these questions the answers have come with a surety and grace that He allows that which molds my heart and makes me ever change into someone that is better than I was....but wow, I still have a long way to go. 

He is faithful. More faithful than I realize today, because each day that passes I think, "WOW!!! He's SO faithful!" and the next day I'll think, "Yeah....I know waaaaay better today than I did yesterday how faithful He is...." and so His faithfulness continues with each day slipping into the history of this life He's given me. Faithful. That word is becoming a theme in my relationship with Him, knowing deeper depths of all it holds within. Faithful.

So, did I mention I'm moving into a little place on. the. river.?! Yeah, this girl is:) And I'm really excited about it in case you can't tell! I never thought I'd be able to live in a place like this, but even in this His depths of faithfulness have come shining through. No, it's not the nicest or newest place, but to me, it's everything I want or need in this moment. More than that. I didn't think to dream this up actually....but, He has proven over and over and over again, that if I trust Him, He will give more than I could ever dream. 


  1. This sounds so beautiful! I have a feeling that I have the same love of nature that you have! It definitely speaks to me of the Lord's great love and His protection and His guidance and faithfulness. Where did you get that picture from above? I really would love to try to copy it onto a wood piece for my Etsy shop but would love to know who said that!

    Hope you are doing well sweet lady! Once again thank you for encouraging me through your blog to grow closer to the heart of our precious Father.

    :) Rebecca

  2. Congratulations, Jade, I'm happy for you. I'd love it if you shared some pics of your new place after you get settled! (But believe me, if any one knows how long unpacking can take, it's me!)

  3. sounds so peaceful! I too have moved many times in the past 3 years (although not to the ocean or the river, sadly!) and seen God's faithful hand be present in each of the moves. He has a purpose for moving His beloved children.
