Tuesday, June 24, 2014

of a 10 year plan, irony, and the bottom line.

(nope, not my picture…someone send me a nice camera and I'll start taking my own;) )

I got to talk to one of my best girls last night about life, writing, business, and just stuff in general. This girl seriously brings me back down to earth and I'm SO incredibly thankful for her no bs outlook on this thing we call life. I can get so caught up in the everyday moments (which is definitely not a bad thing) that I appreciate people who can help me take a step back and suck in a deep breath. She does that.

She asked me an important question, however. One that got me to thinking about you. Yeah, you reading my blog right now. She asked me where I saw all of this going, what I was aiming for in 10 years with my blog and writing. Ha! Ironic seeing how I just confessed to not having a 10 year plan yesterday, right? So, I took a second to think about how I haven't actually made a 10 year plan (again) and then it dawned on me: I know exactly what I want to happen with my writing. I know exactly where I want it to go. Whoa. That was kind of a shocking realization! Thing was, I didn't really even have to think…I just knew.

Here it is: I want to relate to you. I want you to escape to my posts each week and feel like you and I are sitting across from each other grabbing coffee. I want to talk to you. To truly see you. Honestly, when I think about that, I'm so passionate about it that it makes me want to cry. Because, even if I don't literally have you in front of me, you can find in my writing something that absolutely speaks into your life. Whether it's about being single, being in a relationship that sucks (yep, been there too), family stuff, or those amazing moments that light up your day or my day, that's what I want you to hear. Maybe it's about how incredible this God I love so much is, or how I honestly don't know how I'm going to get through the next week. Whatever your season, whatever your current life situation, that's what I long for. To reach across this space between us and somehow put my arms around you with what I'm saying. To put my hands on your shoulders, look into your eyes, and let you know that you. are. not. alone. That you are validated. I have craved that and not received it in my own life, so I know what that longing looks like. I have been invisible and so this too I understand first hand. And then, I have been truly seen by others in my life and that moment is truly incredible! When someone can speak into your life and go, hey, I get this, you aren't alone because I get this. You aren't alone because let me tell you about this God that loves you so much. You aren't alone because no matter who you are, we are all in this thing called life together. So, you are not alone.

That's my 10 year plan. That's my 10 year plan if I never make a single dime off of writing ever. The bottom line is, you are my audience because you chose to be here and because you chose me. The bottom line is, you are my priority. You are allowing me to come into your life, to give me a chance to talk to you, and that means more than absolutely anything else in my writing. Nope, I'm not always gonna say things you wanna hear. I pray I don't always. I pray you can escape here, but that you are stretched and moved by the One who has given me the words to write. Because, if we were sitting in a coffee shop across from each other, the bottom line is, I'd always be honest with you. So, I want to do the same here. For you to know that I'm never going to write something that I don't absolutely believe.

Oh, and by the way, this is. not. a. highlight. reel. Seriously. I am not interested in you thinking that somehow my life is magically easier than yours because I've found the formula to make it so. No matter who we are, life in general is amazing and wonderful and beautiful and terrible and hard and worth every single moment we are given. Bottom line.

So, let's be real. Let's be transparent. Let's be exactly who we were created to be. You are a royal child of the King of Kings! Let's start living that way. And thank you. Thank you for choosing to read the words of a woman who is desperate for her God, who is desperate for His kids to know how beautiful they are to Him, and who cares about you. Because you are worth being loved and seen and known.

"But you are a CHOSEN RACE, a ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, a HOLY NATION, a PEOPLE FOR God's OWN POSSESSION, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; for you once were not a people, but now you are THE PEOPLE OF GOD; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy."  -1 Peter 2:9,10


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