Friday, June 27, 2014

yeah. this just happened.


1. I don't know what the heck is going on most of the time. 
Seriously. And most of the time I'm WAY more put together on the outside than I am on the inside. Legit. You don't even know. Then I read verses that say things like this one:

"Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a while." -Mark 6:31

Oh yeah…right. Got it.

2. I REALLY do not like cockroaches. 
I cannot begin to put into words what these creatures from the innermost pit of hell do to me. I absolutely cannot control my body around them. I'm super gifted at levitating onto dressers, kitchen counters, couches…pretty much anything and anywhere high and off the ground. And I'm fairly certain that should a roach decide to chase me around while flying, I could make like superman and morph into some other dimension at the speed of light. If you were not impressed by my skills before, you should be now :sarcasm:

3. Sometimes I just need to breathe. 
Actually, I need to do that on a regular basis…clearly. But, there's breathing and then there's breathing. I need to breathe. Generally, I'm not a worrier, it's just not who I am. In fact, I could probably benefit from being slightly more concerned when things begin to go up in flames instead of, as my mom so often likes to tell me "sashaying through the house when it's ON FIRE!" However, when the desire to worry does happen to knock me upside the head, it's absolutely debilitating. I'm not used to it and I do. not. like. it. Enter the need to breathe. And to remember who is holding my every single moment in His hands. :takes deep breath: The fact that I'm breathing at all is a testament to His goodness and I'm more thankful for His love than for anything else in my life.

4. Honestly, I have to blast this song on a regular basis:

5. Writing is hard: 

"A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people." -Thomas Mann


"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." -Ernest Hemingway

Hemingway is the man. Nailed it. Seriously. 

6. I'm pretty well head-over-heels in love with life.
Yeah. Even the hard stuff. There's a lot of hard stuff. But then, there are some incredibly astounding moments that blow me utterly away! And I'm reminded that this life is really, really, really short. And I'm still really, really, really, young….no, this would NOT be an appropriate time to remind me I'm pushing thirty, thank you very much. Rude :moving on: And as C.S. Lewis said, there are far better things ahead than any we leave behind! Gah! What?! That makes me wanna jump up on this tiny table in this very docile little coffee shop and do my happy dance! But I won't. Because that would be awkward… ;) 

7. I get pissed when people talk about how terrible life is. 
Dude. Have you noticed that the sun ROSE this morning? That alone makes your life pretty dang awesome. Talk to me about how dreadful it is when it falls out of the sky. Actually, I'll volunteer that statement myself at that point…..

8. I am fascinated by people. 
I think they're awesome. Even when they're talking to me about how terrible their life is. Because I do it too. And in those moments I need someone to slap me and tell me to GET A GRIP! Sometimes, I have to do it for whomever too;) 

9. Sometimes I put a pillow over my face a scream as loud as I can. 
It helps. Try it:) 

10. Occasionally I swear. 
And then I feel bad. And drink too much coffee. Yeah, whatever…don't get all offended, you KNOW you do it too;) 

11. I need Jesus. I NEED JESUS. 

12. Have a great weekend!!!



  1. Sweet, Jade. All of it. Yeah, even number 10.
    Only a writer could understand that Thomas Mann quote. So. true!

    Thanks for number 12 =)

    1. Hey Ashlin! Thanks for stopping by and commenting! Hope your weeks is starting off wonderfully:)
