Monday, July 7, 2014

i know this...

(nope, none of the pictures below are mine)

Write one true sentence. The truest sentence you know in this moment. 


Life is strange. Also, I don't know anything.

Have I mentioned that before? Going along, believing you know exactly the way everything will go. Believing you've finally landed on "the story" that's being written for you. I have to smile here because, I often find myself thinking I "know" about things. I don't. I have no idea. The truest thing I know in this moment is that I'm absolutely madly in love with Jesus. Seriously. I know this. I know that I'm made to write and create and worship. I know I'm learning a valuable lesson about my life: It's worship. Maybe that's the truest thing I know. I want to live my life in such a way that it sings and dances, lives and breathes, spilling notes and colors, joy and words, out into a beautiful lifetime of worship. 

I still worry a lot. About what people will think of my life. I'm working on that. Worrying doesn't equal how my actions are dictated, however. In the end, being at this stage in life I'm currently at, I might worry, but at the end of the day when all is said and done, I'll throw my hands into the air and in a most aggravated voice vehemently exclaim "oh, to heck with it all"…or some version thereof, and do exactly what I know He's called me to do, beyond what everyone thinks. At the end of the day when all is said and done, I may not have a successful career, but dang it, I have one chance at this life! One. I do not get another shot at it or a chance to rewind. I would rather live, taking every opportunity that comes and living a life that's full, than to work day in and day out, always looking behind and whispering to myself, what if. No, things don't always turn out or work out exactly the way you planned, but that should have absolutely no hold over us stepping out of the boat if He's asking us to walk on the water. Because, even if we start to sink, all we have to do is refocus and gaze into His eyes, and lo and behold, we're walking on water again! Amazing:)

He's faithful. I love Him. This is the truest sentence I know tonight in the inky blackness. I also know the stars are beautiful and that they dance and sing, sending down starlight that shimmers and laughs, telling me not to worry. I know that, even if I stay awake all night, tomorrow morning the sun will rise in the sky, gently bathing the world with subtle shades of dusky rose and lavender, finally bursting forth with a golden worship to the One who told it to rise. I know this.

Write one true sentence. The truest sentence you know in this moment. 

I want to write a life of worship that brings a smile to His face.

What is the truest sentence you know in this moment? Comment below and let me know:)


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