Sunday, January 13, 2013

days like today.

Today was hard. I'll be honest, today was one of those days where I wanted to get back into bed, pull the covers over my head, yell at God that I'm exhausted, and how much more would He ask of me, and just stay right there. In that mood. All day.

Reality check.

One cannot remain abed all day, fuming, and not wanting to talk to Him, thank you very much. Plus, I know He deserves everything He asks and much, much more.

:deep sigh:

Instead, that reality check demands that even though, when you decide to actually stay out of bed, you will deal with what seems to be everyone else's stuff, which of course makes you want to crawl back into bed all that much more, you simply can't. Also, the reality is that, even though life is hard and the enemy may hit harder on days like today than on other days, you really don't have an use that as an excuse. So, you talk to Jesus....a lot. Certainly with more vehemence on days like today than on "normal days" because, you're mad. Not at Him, but He certainly bears the brunt of your temper tantrum. And so, you a constant stream to the One who simply understands it all. Who lovingly takes the words flung, the frustration, the tears, all of it, and holds it close. Holds you close.

Because, He can handle it.

Better than anyone else, in case you didn't notice.


I love Him. For so many reasons. But, on days like today, I appreciate this wonderful man who died for my life, so that I could have the privilege to constantly talk to Him, even on days like today. Especially on days like today. Whew! Thank you Jesus!

And, I have no excuse to remain in this place. I know the One whose feet I'm to lay this at, allowing Him to take the emotions that would overwhelm me, turning them around for His glory. Doesn't make it easy, but it not being easy doesn't make it less true.

He. Is. Faithful. Especially on days like today. And though He gives me beautiful words to write, He also gives me honest, here's the honesty.

Life is hard and beautiful and terrible and wonderful and I am so thankful for it all. Even on days like today.

"The LORD your God is in your midst, a victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy."   
-Zephaniah 3:17

P.S. This wasn't written to any music;) I'll make sure and post the link to the posts I write to music!


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