Thursday, January 31, 2013

just me and simple things.

(written to this.)

I cut my inches to be exact. Do you know how, sometimes there's a need to just absolutely cut all ties (no pun intended) with who you were before? That one last thing that's still remaining from that person you used to be...and for me, it was my hair. So, after much back and forth, should I or shouldn't I, what if so and so doesn't like it (who cares!), I finally did. And for the first time in a very long time, I'm simply, me. This, is a wonderful feeling.

I allowed much time to go by, much time when I desperately tried to be someone I wasn't. I tried in vain to be who I was expected to be, never faltering, never letting the mask slip. It's an exhausting way to live. And it took my ever faithful God coming in, stripping me of all I thought I wanted, all I thought I was, until I stood there, bare before Him, so that He could begin to give back all I never even knew I'd lost in the first place. He's faithful like that. He's faithful to show when I've let what others think about me become more important than what He thinks, to show me when I'm not being transparent, to show when I've built an impenetrable wall around all that I am so as not to let anyone know who I might really be.....because, what if I disappoint them? What if I'm not what they expected? What if...what if......what if...... Yet, He is faithful, and I have been stripped bare in order to know that this is who He created me to be. Not someone else. He made "someone else" to be exactly that, not that I would try and imitate whatever that image may be. 

It's beautiful. You and I are so different and He has given you a beautiful, individual aspect of His character to reflect, while I'm reflecting another part of who He is. Because, He's an individual God. You fill a place in His heart that I never will, and I fill a place in His heart that you never will, and together, we all make up His entire heart in all its beauty. There are so many things I love about Him, but this I truly treasure. For I know what it is to lose who He's created me to be, and let me tell you, the lesson is hard and painful, but oh, so worth the re-learning. 

I had to run out of my office today, down to the little cafe to grab lunch. It's been snowing here the last few days, which equals happy people in Colorado, and the sun was shining in all its glory against all the stark white snow. Walking along, I couldn't help but smile and hold my face up to that glowing sun, because as imperfect as this life is, as hard as the surrender is, as intense as the lessons I'm learning in all their fullness are, it truly is a beautiful, wonderful, full to overflowing life! And seriously, I don't think that there's a single day that goes by that I don't think about how much I love being alive. All the simple things that make up this complicated thing we call life are astounding. I love them....all of them! Just for example, here are a few of the really simply things that made my day so wonderful:

Utterly Simple Things

-chocolate zucchini bread....that was like a brownie....
what do you mean I can't eat chocolate for breakfast?

-the beautiful little lady who must have been pushing 90
standing in front of the bank this morning, whose face
broke into the most dazzling smile when I walked by.

-too much coffee....I have a problem....yeah, yeah, I know, I know.

-a gorgeous irish wolf hound...I've got a thing for dogs the size
of small horses...

-Andes mints.....yes! I had them for breakfast too! Don't judge me...

-random texts with Jenn.

-texting with Jenn in general....

-listening to wonderful music.

-bright sun, bright snow, and cold air.

-did I say coffee already......?

-creamy carrot soup.

-a beautiful, big eyed (understatement) little girl
selling girl scout cookies....what do you mean
I can't eat the thin mints for breakfast?!

-knowing that Jesus loves me far more than I'll ever be able
to imagine, knowing that He has all things in His hands,
and because I'm His child, I have no reason to worry about
anything.....ever. Yeah, that one takes the cake....

What were some of your utterly simple , 
wonderfully plain things that He blessed
you with today? 

P.S. He LOVES you....just thought you should be reminded...keep gazing 
into His beautiful eyes :)

P.S.S. I want to live in the cabin below...

© Jade Valcarcel 2013. All rights reserved


  1. Will you be posting your before and after hair pictures? I would really like to see the new 'do.

    1. Hi Charlotte! I'll try and post pictures of my new hair soon :-) Have a beautiful day!

  2. Love your list, esp about the 90 year old lady. It's so good to take in the incredibleness of simple life we ironically enough so simply overlook.
