Wednesday, January 2, 2013

the crunching of snow.

I have a lot to say. An endless river of words that courses through me with no end in sight. I just don't always voice them. There is a lot I notice, moment after never ending moment, where I catch sight of what this is here and now and want to give it a voice...but, that doesn't always happen. Sometimes it's for lack of needing a keyboard to create the tapping rhythm that's always beating inside me. Other times it's pen has run out;) Lots of reasons. Lots of moments gone with no voice.

I realized something today. I absolutely adore the sound of snow crunching under my boots. Not just that moment where you go "oh I like that" no, this was a hit you in the gut, become slightly obsessed, I think I like this more than I should, moment. Yeah. That moment. It was something so insignificant, so unnoticed by those walking past me...and yet, it had stopped me in my tracks. I have absolutely no idea why today of all days, the sound of crunching snow somehow evoked such intense feelings. It was consistent however, because tonight, standing in a cold that really should not be legal, staring up into the black canvas above me, sprinkled with crystal clear stars that shine only like this on nights that boast this frigid cold, it hit me again. And I rambled very slowly. Listening to the snow under my boots, lost in the great beauty surrounding me and bewildered by the fact that crunching snow, painfully cold air, stars made more clear by said cold, moonshine, and inky black mountains, all of this gave me a glimpse of His face, a side of His character I'd never noticed before. And as I write this and think back on standing under that sky, enveloped by this night that was so hauntingly beautiful in the contrasting deep black and silver light it cast, I long to ramble about with Him. To be still and simply be. To listen to His deep, gentle voice whisper of bringing the stars into being, of teaching the waves they should only hug the shore so far, of how He imagined the key of B flat, of mixing this and that until the color purple was brought forth, of being patient with the song birds as they learned to sing on key....this is what I longed for under this night sky.

It's beautiful, you know. Being stopped in the middle of a perfectly ordinary day, by one of the most simple sounds in the world, and to have such a simple, ordinary little thing evoke big and unordinary longings for the One who created the ordinary to do just that. It's in these moments of noticing, of realizing how faithful He is in the smallest of ways, that I truly understand just a little more that I am not alone. Ever. For if He can touch my soul with the sound of crunching snow, just think of what He could do with the crashing of a wave...Yet, perhaps it does not take the most grand of things. Perhaps the smallest and most insignificant of moments are created for Him to draw our hearts closer to His, with a love that uses the insignificant to create that which brings about things far too significant for us to grasp...

"The Lord appeared to him from afar, saying 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore I have drawn you with lovingkindness." 
-Jeremiah 31:3

© Jade Valcarcel 2013. All rights reserved


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