Monday, January 21, 2013

of simple days and the Father's heart.

Today was....simple. Beautiful in all its simplicity. There isn't one moment that stands out above the just was. When I think about all the times in my life when this has not been the case, I appreciate days like these even more. It has not been the standard for most of the days He has gifted me with, and so, while days like this one exist, I'll gladly take the simplicity, the simple beauty that comes, for I know from experience, they do not last.

"I believe the nicest and sweetest days are not those on which anything splendid or wonderful or exciting happens, but just those that bring simple little pleasures, following one another softly, like pearls slipping off a string."
-L.M. Mongomery

Yes, this one slipped of the string of time, counting down one more day in this life. Thoughts of a cozy cabin, tucked away deep in the mountains, filled with the heady smells of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, danced about before me. Hot chocolate was drunk. People crossed paths with mine, perhaps whom I will never cross paths with again, or maybe, those I hardly noticed will play a leading role in future acts that I have yet to play. For today, however, as far as I know I met no one who will change my life...but, isn't that the way of it? People come and people go and it is only on very rare occasions that you meet someone and...wham...your life, or who you are, is changed. Forever. This has only happened to me a few times, when it was that "oh my goodness this person has absolutely altered my entire world and I want to know every thing about them" kind of thing:) And now, I am officially going down a rabbit hole, but honestly, I hope it has or will happen to you, because it's one of the most incredible experiences ever. Even if all they do is come for a fleeting moment, change you, and leave, it's pretty long as it's for the good. I am blessed to say that every time this has happened, though there might be some pain involved, it has always been for the good and I am so incredibly blessed by each person who has done this to my life.

Though this day was simple, there was a deepness that ran through it as well...thoughts, time spent talking to Jesus about so much. So much. I am constantly in awe of how much deeper He would take me in this relationship with Him. 

And so, there is so much I would say....would try and capture and put into words on the blank page before me. My heart is full...for the more time passes, the more the sand runs through the hour glass of my life, running as well through the hour glass belonging to this earth, I am reminded of how much He matters. Yeshua. That the only thing that matters, that will ever matter in this life I've placed in His hands, is what I've done for Him. How I've lived for Him. And when I think of what He's done for me, I wonder at how I can be so foolish as to buy into the lie that I must be successful according to my society's standards. I am not interested in what it would offer me. I've seen those around me sucked dry and left to stare at the barren waste land of a life spent on that which does not matter. I have seen them awake at the end of their lives to cry that all was vanity and if they could only do it over again, how much they would change. I am not interested. I would not come to the end of my days holding the dust of all I've spent my life on. 

No. Let it be full and spent to the utmost!

Oh, I would spend my life. I would have it poured out, used up for His glory, leaving me completely empty of all so that I may be filled by Him. I would have Him break my heart for what breaks His. I would have Him bring joy into my heart that is the overflow of the joy in His. I would have no treasure on this earth, but instead, store away treasure where moth and rust may not touch it. 

For He is coming.

One day I will stand before Him. One day I will physically gaze into His eyes. May they be eyes that I know well, having spent all my days staring into the deepest depths of all they have held and will hold for the fleeting age I spent on this earth...and for all the ages to come with Him. 

One day this will happen to you as well. You will stand before Him. Do not buy into the lie this world would eagerly feed you, whispering of all you should spend your life upon. Simply look unto your Father, for His heart longs for your gaze to be ever fixed on His, so that when the sand from the hour glass has been spent, your gaze, your life, will not falter, but you will know in whom your hope is placed. 


Oh, how He loves you, child of His heart. 

© Jade Valcarcel 2013. All rights reserved


  1. This is so true and amazingly heartwarming. My heart has felt this so many times. Thank You! Pat Leonard

    1. I'm so glad you can relate, Pat! I pray you feel His presence more today than ever before!

  2. I found your blog today after doing a google search for you, Jade... you are the #1 name googled that refers from Google to my blog! I had a link to your old blog on one of my favourites pages...
    I am so blessed to have stopped by here today, and I hope to come again more often! I love that quote from Lucy Maud that you put at the start... I love the way you string words together in the simple patterns that creative stunning lives.

    1. I am blessed that YOU were blessed:) He's so faithful to lead us where He wants us, even if it's to a simple little blog. Praying you know His joy more deeply today than ever before, Rachel. Thank you for your beautiful heart for Him. He loves you SO much.
